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Harmonia Mundi's Century Collection - A History of Music


Posted By: Flush | Date: 25 Dec 2007

Harmonia Mundi's Century Collection - A History of Music

Classical, Opera, Sacred | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 20CDs/6.36GB | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com

“ With Century, the artists of harmonia mundi invite you on a thrilling voyage of discovery of music through the ages. Each CD provide the following information: a definition of the music of the period; reproduction of the complete painting featured in the cover detail, with a concise text relating it to its period; a map of the geographical region concerned at the relevant period... How? Every CD contains four or five general headings, each of which is given a page of detailed presentation intended to answer the most frequently asked questions. ”

Century 1 - Antiquité (Music of the Ancient World) HMX2908163
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/292MB (306.514.826 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com

“ On this CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, you will hear astounding reconstructions of the music of the Mediterranean basin before and at the very start of the Christian era, from Athens to Jerusalem, from Constantinople to Lutetia. ”

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Century 2 - Le Chant des Premiers Chrétiens (Chant of the Early Christians) HMX2908164
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/290MB (305.104.856 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ The programme of this CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, constitutes an incredible jigsaw puzzle in sound which proves that Christianity did not forge its repertory in a single day, or even a single century – and certainly not all by itself! ”
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Century 3 - 1000 Ans de Chant Grégorien (Gregorian Chant) HMX2908165
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/333MB (350.155.338 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ The programme of this CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, presents some of the peaks of a repertory which, whatever its name suggests, was only unified well after the death of Pope Gregory the Great . . . Here is the music of Romanesque Europe. ”
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Century 4 - Trouvères & Troubadoures (Minnesänger & other Courtly Arts) HMX2908166
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/351MB (368.702.212 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ The programme of this CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, features the poems and songs of the trouvères, troubadours and Minnesingers. These inventors of an (almost) exclusively secular poetic style were also the first musicians to emerge from anonymity . . . ”
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Century 5 - La naissance de la Polyphonie (The Birth of Polyphony) HMX2908167
Classical | EAC APE+CUE-LOG | 1CD/330MB (346.375.208 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ On this CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, you will find out how the clerks of the Middle Ages learnt to sing together in several distinct voices, from the most rudimentary ‘discant’ to the most complex sonic structures! ”
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Century 6 - Le Siècle de l'Ars Nova (A Revolution in the Late Middle Ages) HMX2908168
Classical | EAC APE+CUE | 1CD/342MB (359.543.396 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ Here, shuttling between Rome and Avignon, you will plunge into the midst of the Trecento, the 14th century, which saw a drastic change in the relationship between western man and his God, evoked in masterly fashion by Umberto Eco in The Name of the Rose. ”
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Century 7 - Ars Subtilior (Dawn of the Renaissance) HMX2908169
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/339MB (356.252.386 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ The programme of this CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, features the quintessentially Gothic Ars subtilior, a term referring to one of the most extravagant periods in musical history, which also saw the first glimmers of the Renaissance! ”
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Century 8 - Musique Sacrée de la Renaissance (Renaissance Sacred Music) HMX2908170
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/336MB (353.221.944 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com

“ The Renaissance was not only the age of Humanism, it also marked the apogee of the motet inherited from the Middle Ages, and a certain . . . renaissance of the Mass – even though composers did not hesitate to draw their musical material from all over the place! ”
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Century 9 - Chansons de la Renaissance (Songs of the Renaissance) HMX2908171
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/313MB (328.307.884 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com

“ The programme of this CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, focuses on the three key schools of secular polyphony that flowered during the Renaissance: the Italian madrigal, the Franco-Flemish chanson and the Elizabethan song. ”
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Century 10 - L'émergence de la Musique Instrumentale (The Rise of Instrumental Music) HMX2908172
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/329MB (345.072.082 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com

“ The programme of this CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, gives a glimpse of the innumerable occasions in the late Renaissance period when lutes, organs and sackbuts resounded with no need of help from the human voice. ”
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Century 11 - La Révolution du Baroque Italien (The Italian Baroque Revolution) HMX2908173
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/331MB (347.806.060 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com

“ With the programme of this CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, relive the extravagant, richly diverse creative adventure of Baroque Italy – the birthplace of modern music! ”
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Century 12 - L'Angleterre Baroque (Baroque England) HMX2908174
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/357MB (374.498.596 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ This CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, presents nearly 150 years of musical life in a (sometimes dis-) United Kingdom which gave birth to the supreme genius of Henry Purcell, and later offered Handel an opportunity to revivify Italian opera. ”
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Century 13 - La Musique du Grand Siècle (French Music in the Age of Louis XIV) HMX2908175
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/362MB (380.575.742 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ This CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, takes you through a day at the court of Louis XIV, no less – sacred music in the chapel, a few instrumental pieces for light entertainment, and to round things off, an evening at the royal opera! ”

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Century 14 - L'Allemagne du Barouque (Late Baroque Germany) HMX2908176
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/404MB (424.581.242 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com

“ The programme of this CD concentrates on the period that saw musical supremacy in Europe shift from Italy to Germany. Paradoxically, Bach was not particularly famous there in his own time – but his sons made the most of their musical inheritance . . . ”

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Century 15 - Le Style Classique (The First Viennese School) HMX2908177
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/331MB (347.984.418 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ On the programme of this CD, the three composers who, each in his own way, truly created the Classical style . . . so much so that they gave birth to the expression ‘classical music’: Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. Not forgetting the precursor, Gluck. ”
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Century 16 - L'âge d'or du Romantisme (The Golden Age of Romanticism) HMX2908178
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/264MB (277.119.268 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ The programme of this CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, deals with that – surprisingly short – period when Romanticism flowered in its pristine glory, in the gigantic shadow of Beethoven. ”

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Century 17 - L'éveil Musical des Nations (Nations awakening) HMX2908179
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/300MB (314.753.146 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com

“ This CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, charts the invigorating contribution of composers from many different backgrounds to the rise of a nationalism that was not necessarily aggressive. Together they founded the concert of Europe, rich in its diversity. ”

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Century 18 - Du Post Romantisme à l'Ecole de Vienne (Wien 1900; The Death of Tonality) HMX2908180
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/299MB (314.567.784 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ The programme of this CD explores the final splendours of a tonal system driven (apparently) to its furthest limits – before being insolently challenged by the irrepressible inventiveness of Schoenberg, Berg and Webern in the creative hub that was Vienna. ”

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Century 19 - Les Voies de la Musique (Paths of Modern Music) HMX2908181
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/279MB (293.455.984 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ This survey of the years 1900-1950 explores the multiple paths followed by composers working within tonality or using the serial methods that challenged it. Though it was the most violent in history, the 20th century was also one of the richest artistically . . . ”

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Century 20 - Des Musiques pour le Présent (Music of Today) HMX2908182
Classical | EAC APE+CUE+LOG | 1CD/309MB (335.464.194 bytes) | Covers+Booklet | ftp2share.com
“ The programme of this CD, accompanied by full explanatory notes, is a varied if not exhaustive overview of avant-garde creation since World War II. ‘Experimental music’, it is sometimes called – but how many successful experiments there have been in the last 60 years! ”

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All of the above albums in 192 mbps Mp3 lossy quality incl. covers and booklets. Download it here.

Password for all of the albums is as usual: Sankerib

источник-  http://avaxsphere.com/music/classical/HarmoniaMundisCenturyCollection.html